About Us

Behind the scenes

👋 Hi there.

Nice to meet you.

I’m Emily, creator of Read the Room’s articles and the Weekly 5.

Before you invite me into your inbox, who am I and what’s this all about?

Who am I?

I’m a startup builder, team leader, coach and DJ 🎵

An early bird 🐦, I write in the mornings. Picture me alternating bursts of typing with handfuls of cereal as you read.

I’m learning every day and I love to share my knowledge with others. This newsletter is for people who want to join me on the journey and learn along the way.

What’s this about?

I write on everything from leadership to communication to self-development.

Why? Because there’s a whole bunch of us who recognise that soft skills are a great leader’s secret sauce 🥫

I make complex frameworks simple and share serious concepts with lightheartedness – life’s too short to read serious stuff on your own time.

Join us.

📣 Join other busy professionals who want to do more for their development and sign up for The Weekly 5.

💌 You’ll receive 5 things you can read in 2 minutes to get you feeling sharper and working smarter.


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